Got there at around 5:30pm. Missed the workshops and shows but didn't really cared cuz I was there to enjoy the party at night.

When I arrived, most of the peeps there were savouring on their food at the food booths set up at different locations around the Sarawak Cultural Village. So me and my friend decided to stroll around to see see and look look.

mainstage under the watchful "eyes" of Mount Santubong
Come 7pm, the crowd of people started to fill the area in front of the mainstage. Actually there are 2 stages which were used by the performers to strut their stuffs, one main stage which is much bigger than the other stage.

choosing the best spot to watch the concert
But what really strike me was the setting and backdrop of the whole stage area. Behind the stages are tall green trees which really suits the rainforest theme.

The show started of with the local Sarawak band. Nothing to shout about here because I as a Sarawakian all my life and staying here all my life has grown accustomed to the "sape" and "ngajat". Then came the group from Canada, GENTICORUM which comprises of 3 French-speaking Canadian from Quebec. What impresses me the most of this group was that one of the guy which was playing the violin could actually tap both his feet while playing his violin stting down (oh boy his legs must be really tired). Halfway through, they invited KILEMA of Madagascar to play and sing with them. Like their music cuz it was really light and easy on the ears. The group from Mongolia was up next. Liked the Mongolian guy who could actually sing with his throat (khoomei - throat singing). He could actually produce notes which ranges a few octaves. The crowd was truly awed by his unique ability and applauded in appreciation. The group from Austria, HOTEL PALINDRONE performed after that. Me and my friend decided to take a break from the actions and walk around the area. When we came back, our very own MALAYSIAN DHOL FEDERATION performed. Their tablas brought the temperature at the whole area to the next level. Everyone below the stage were dancing to the fantastic beat of the punjab music. AWESOME!!! The beat was slightly toned down when the Latinos and Latina from Columbia performed their latin songs. They even perform the ever-so-famous "Guantanamera".

crowd going wild
The last group to perform that night was PEATBOG PAERIES from Scotland. One thing I find quite amusing bout this group is that the lead singer actually wore kilts, but to me I find it more to be like a "sarong".
Party ended at 11:30pm. Went for supper with my colleague and headed back to home.
Details of the performers can be viewed here
Oooo...*clap clap* interesting..variety of performances instead of same ol' dull music show repeating itself for "n" times.. ^_^
hi there helen ^^ glad to see u here in my blog.
if only i were there to cover the event..
did u see kenny? :P
i thought i saw kenny, but not really sure. saw someone who looks like kenny. he's not that tall. maybe 168cm~171cm.
he was wearing green. check out this page.
thank you allen for the heads up
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