Saturday, April 01, 2006


I am in a dilemma now...

To buy or not to buy a new camera...
To buy or not to buy a new chest of drawers...
To invest or not to invest in more unit trusts...
To love or not to love...

Oh sheesh...

Camera. I have always wanted a digital camera since I was still studying in uni. But at that time, financial constraint is really the big issue for not being able to get myself a camera.

Drawers. I need these drawers to keep the stuffs which have been lying on the floor in my room since I moved into my new house. Most of these things are still kept in boxes but honestly I think they are piling up.

Unit trusts. It's always wise to invest your money at the earlier stage of your life because it really does make a hell lot of a difference. But one minor drawback for unit trusts is that its return is slow.

Love. Love is beautiful. Love is forgiving. Love is colorful. Love is magical... But where's love when you wanted it the most. When you are at your lowest point of your life, where's the love? People say, "True love hurts" Is that true? If love hurts so much, why do people still fall in love?

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