Monday, May 11, 2009

ahlost is 25

Happy belated birthday to the sweet ahlost, who turned 25 on 7 May 2009. She was kind enough to throw us (fellow bloggers and friends) a party at Hartz Chicken last Saturday night.

I didn't take any group photos that night so here's a photo stolen from the one and only (thanks anna!)

happy bloggers who really know what to do in front of a camera -_-"


a n n n a said...

lol.. majority love this group picha. Kekeke..

Louis said...

[annna] yupes...this one is the most candid one of all. :) can feel the love between JF and TMOT

ahlost said...

Thanks Louis for giving face to go to the dinner at Hartz :P

Wahraoo.. why so many fingers pointing at me? *LOL*

Louis said...

I should thank you ahlost! :)
u were the person of the moment then mah~~~